
DOMINION 2.08 – ‘The Longest Mile Home’ Julian’s Deception & Gabriel’s Orgy!

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Screen Shot 2015-08-27 at 10.02.58 PMAlex and Noma are under attack at the Eight-Ball Mart and are weaponless other than double a batteries and Slim Jim’s, which ain’t gonna cut it. Speaking of cut, Alex wrests a chainsaw away from one of the possessed and goes all Evil Dead on him!
Thankfully Michael appears and chases the rest away.

Arika and David are plotting as all megalomaniacs do, thankfully their overinflated egos didn’t anticipate Gates listening in on the conversation! Sadly, once Arika laid eyes on Gates she knew that he knew, and the first nail in his coffin was set. Claire is going to get a complex from this!

Claire and Gates plan to take the armory, but it was Arika in total control the whole time. The rebel forces were trapped and killed all while unbeknownst to Gates, he is dying from a slow-acting poison. Claire does manage to “arrest’ the little spider, but Arika doesn’t seem to concerned. Poor Zoe, she never stood a chance, and Daddy Whele escaped!

Daddy Risen is getting weaker and the new “Clementine” is present trying to tempt him to allow himself to be possessed. During their musings, we are treated to a great backstory on just how the Good General came to be. We all have dark pasts, Edward is no different and he’s NO GENERAL!

Screen Shot 2015-08-27 at 10.54.23 PMIn the end it was Edwards love for his daughter not Clementine that turned the tide. Upon hearing the news of his daughters attack, he gave in. Color me happy! THIS is going to be good folks!!

Gabriel continues his ‘therapy’ with Julian which is epic unfun. The Dyad tries to speed things up a bit by sending Gabriel to never-never-land. The Archangel for his part is thoroughly enjoying his little trip down the rabbit hole and ends up in an orgy!

Screen Shot 2015-08-27 at 10.40.29 PMWell, now we know what’s on a guys mind even during torture! I must stop here and reiterate my earlier comment online, thank you Dominion for the eye candy and black humor. Who knew Gabriel was in to Fifty Shades of Grey? Brilliant!

Screen Shot 2015-08-27 at 10.05.55 PMGuess who’s back in town? Someone comes knocking at the door and it’s not Avon Calling! William Whele is BACK JACK! And, apparently he’s been taking some MMA classes during his desert exile! He wastes no time in killing to get what he wants and sets out preaching a new gospel, as the Chosen One, in hope of gathering new followers! Why, oh why didn’t Daddy rip out that golden tongue?

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• Thank you Vaun Wilmott. You know why!
• Pete! Come on man! Fight!

• Now that Julian has the emphora, what Gabriel do to withstand him?

• I can’t wait for Baby Whele to actually die. BADLY.

• Burned from the inside out…..the plot thickens on Django dude! WHAT is he?

• What is in the east?

Need More Dominion? Check out our interviews with Show Creator Vaun Wilmott, Cast Members, Tom Wisdom, Christopher Egan, Anthony Head and Roxanne McGee!

• Creator of Digital Euphoria! • Extreme southern speaker, big hair believer & professional geek • Follow @PxlWvr or contact at