
VIKINGS – 2.07 ‘Blood Eagle’ Astonishing Cruelty

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Vikings207_RagnarRatKing Horik petitions for a delay in killing Jarl to Ragnar who ever so calmly brains and skins a rat for his dinner. (A foreshadow of things yet to come.) Ragnar agrees, for the time being, to stay his hand for the sake of their upcoming raid.

Floki receives some unexpected news, he’s going to be a daddy. Floki, The Father, then proceeds to flake out in grand style. And, with that, our first wedding of the episode is decided without Ragnar’s blessing. I can’t blame the guy for wanting to keep something to himself.

Ragnar receives an emissary from an unknown earl in hiding who turns out to be Lagertha. Yes, Ragnar, the joke’s on you. Women truly rule in the world of Vikings. It’s nice to know Aslaug admires Lagertha. I don’t want to see a cat fight between those two over the Earl. He’s not worth it.

Across the waters Ecbert makes a deal with another ruler to unite against the Vikings should they invade again. He throws in his son to sweeten the pot and a deal is made. I wonder when the attack comes, will the alliance stand?

Vikings207_SiggySiggy plays a dangerous game and Ragnar spies her speaking with Horik. In such a small community the truth was bound to be revealed. Rollo has noticed her machinations as well and when she explains the why, it smarts his pride. “I do it for you.” And, I suppose, in her own way that is true. Siggy uses the only tools she has at hand. Her wits and her body.

We hear much of the Blood Eagle act multiple times. When the ceremony finally happened Ragnar took his time almost reverently carving through Jarl’s flesh, to the bone revealing the lungs. Truly it was an excruciating sight to behold. It made me sad for our Ginger Viking no matter his deeds. No one could ever deserve such a fate. Jarl Borg, may you find peace in Valhalla.

• Aslaug’s prediction of a “monster” baby is creepy.
• Bjorn following Porunn around like a lost puppy is adorable.
• Horik deserves a the gift of a Blood Eagle. He has more faces than a town hall clock.
• Will Floki betray Ragnar?
• Does Athelstan want to be reduced?
• Somehow I feel Ecbert only allowed his son to marry because he wanted Judith all to himself.


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